What is Board Certification?

The words Board Certified, Specialist, Expert, and the letters B.C.S. for Board Certified Specialist mean that a Florida lawyer has special knowledge, skills, and proficiency in a specific field of law. In Florida, only board certified lawyers may identify themselves by using these terms or the board certification logo. Florida Bar certified lawyers have been evaluated as to their ability and experience in their practice fields and professionalism within the legal community.

The Supreme Court of Florida established Florida’s board certification program so that consumers can identify qualified legal specialists. Board certification’s stringent requirements for legal expertise and professional conduct give the public objective standards by which to evaluate attorneys.

The Florida Bar has referred to Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyers as lawyers with “Integrity, Experience and Expertise” and “Legal Experts Dedicated to Professional Excellence.” Further, according to former Florida Supreme Court Justice Harry Lee Anstead: “Board Certification is reliable proof of the character and commitment that sets a lawyer apart [and] is a visible way to demonstrate that layer’s commitment to professionalism and excellence.”

Of the approximate 100,000 lawyers in Florida, just 1% have earned Florida Bar Board Certification in Civil Trial. Mr. Fiore is part of that elite 1%. Mr. Fiore has been recertified by The Florida Bar on June 1, 2016 and again on June 1, 2021.

For more information, here is a link to a video on the webpage of The Florida Bar that touts the virtues of Board Certification: https://youtu.be/fdxkLJScpnI